Monday, September 29, 2014

31 Days of…STUFF

This will be my third year of linking up with The Nester’s 31 Days of writing series.

Two years ago I wrote 31 Days of Storytelling 

and last year 31 Days of Life.

Once again my 31 Days of…STUFF theme

leaves me all the open vagueness to write about any and everything I feel led to write.

I am not one to stay on topic.

Especially now that we have an addition going on to our house.

Two events at church to be planned.

A middle school musical to be rehearsed and performed.

Our family Halloween costumes to finish assembling.

Last year we were the characters from Gilligan’s Island.

And all while Monte continues to travel for work.

And Nigel refuses to accept that our den is gone 
and that our backyard is not something to be feared.


I have some STUFF to write about this October.

Come back starting Wednesday to read

or sign up in the left hand column of my blog page to get my posts sent right to your email.


  1. Hope to follow along!

  2. I love your STUFF! I can relate to pulling stuff out of places...I pulled a part loaf of bread from my own somewhat sanitary kitchen trash in response to a kid's request for a sandwich (it was the last piece in the house) and I'm still hearing about it. Anyway, you're great, stuff is great and thanks for sharing yours!


Burning Down

The other day I was listening to the podcast The Next Right Thing. It was the episode titled Reflection as Activism.  Emily P. Freeman said ...