I'm not sure why this month has been so incredibly busy.
Probably because I've yet again over committed myself.
And just when I thought
I was making strides in that area.
Here are some things that have happened, I like or I found funny.
Back in September a big box arrived on our doorstep.
I called Monte to ask what he ordered.
He said not to open it since it was a birthday present for me that wasn't supposed to come until October.
Which is weird because I had not dropped a single hint
about anything that I wanted for my birthday
mainly because it's not until November.
When Monte got home from work he said he was just too excited to wait and wanted me to open the present now.
So I did.
This is what I found.
Monte bought me a Jurassic World robot raptor.
It is a complex robot with a remote control that you "train"
with clicks and commands and pushing of buttons
and saying of things and touches, etc.
There are levels of actions to achieve
once the basics have been taught and learned.
I never knew what was happening.
Sometimes it would just give us the side eye slowly and Monte said,
"I feel like he's going to turn on us one day."
Which is how I feel about most technology.
I did scratch its head and under its chin when it did what I wanted and it made Nigel furious.
He'd run into my side hard with his nose as if to remind me that he still existed.
Nigel, not the robot dinosaur.
He alternated between being afraid of the raptor to challenging it with the same hate-filled intensity he saves for the mailman and the vacuum.
Nigel in the other room trying to decide what to think of this robot dinosaur. |
Nigel retreating because the robot dinosaur moved. |
Nigel safely hating the robot dinosaur from underneath my desk. |
He got a hold of the robot dinosaur's tail once.
The toy quickly proved to be WAY too complicated for me.
I was at a neighborhood gathering when I told the mother of a kindergartner who loves dinosaurs about the toy. She asked for a link which I had to get from Monte.
It was only then that I discovered the price.
Monte spent $250 on a toy!
For me.
That I didn't ask for.
What in the Jurassic World?!
He defended himself by saying it was going to be the Tickle Me Elmo this Christmas and we could always sell it.
A few days later I was having lunch with a friend and the overpriced robot dino came up.
Her daughter LOVES dinosaurs AND robots and was old enough to really put the time in to learn and enjoy the toy.
I told her I'd talk to Monte and sell it to her if he gave me the ok.
He did.
He admitted he'd saved the box
in case this happened.
Our friend's daughter LOVES the toy and calls it her comfort raptor.
Nigel is MUCH happier.
Monte grumbled only once when he realized
the going rate for the raptor on eBay.
Speaking of dinosaurs, I had a dream the other night that I was being served dinosaur.
As an entree.
To eat.
I don't recall it being in rib form. Or even where I was. |
I woke up the next morning and asked Monte if dinosaurs were white or red meat?
More steak or chicken?
He didn't weigh in but commented,
"So you're eating them now?"
Days later, I took the question to girlfriends and we decided that if the prehistoric alligator meat was white and tasted like chicken, dinosaurs probably did too.
Ok. While looking for the Fred Flintstone rib picture above,
I found a link to an oddly extensive article about which dinosaurs
would taste best.
Apparently, it's the ankylosaurus for the juicy white meat win.
How. Could. Anyone. Really. Know?
Not long ago, a friend got lost coming back from another friend's lake house. There was construction so she was forced to take back roads rather than the interstate. She was very low on gas.
She called me in distress. I was on the road home too but found a way to get back to the interstate. I told her to call our friend back at the lake house who knew the back roads and I could possibly catch up to her since I was making good time on the interstate.
My stomach hurt with each mile I didn't hear from her. In my head I worked out how I'd find a gas station, buy a container and get gas to take to her on whatever country road she was lost on.
Another friend called to say she'd found a gas station and was on the right road for home.
Thank goodness!
It wasn't until the next morning that I realized I was almost out of gas myself!
In conclusion, I'm probably not the best first call in an emergency situation.
Our pastor retired after 24 years and I helped make and set up decorations for a celebration party. It was a fiesta theme.
Monte helped me set up the day before and the ground was soft from a lot of rain the week earlier. I was busy looking where to hang lanterns instead of holding the step ladder like he asked me when he fell.
He jumped up super quick after the fall and kinda hopped around trying to see if he was ok.
I could see the dirt on his back as he was hopping and I lost it.
Someone else walked up and asked if he was ok.
I couldn't pull it together for awhile.
Falling will always be funny to me.
The party was such a good time.
I am not sure what a shark hat has to do with a fiesta. |
On a completely different note,
we are thoroughly enjoying the new show God Friended Me.
It's about an atheist podcaster who accepts a Facebook friend request from God and all that happens as a result.
I really like it.
COMPLETELY different from the above, is a show on Amazon Prime called Forever.
Maya Rudolph and Fred Armisen star in this weird, bizarrely slow show that I can't help but be intrigued by.
The language is unnecessarily bad but the subject matter is interesting enough
that I need other people to watch it so I can talk about it.
DO NOT read anything about it before you watch or it will spoil some significant plot points that I think are better to discover on your own while they are happening.
Switching gears again,
I am LOVING Lauren Daigle's album Look Up Child.
I got to see her in concert last week and her voice is so good live. She's like a hippie Adele.
I'm also enjoying Tori Kelly's album Hiding Place.
Wow, can she sing!
McDaniel came home last weekend. We hadn't seen her since we moved her back in August.
She called before she left to say that all her roommates (five girls live in her townhouse) had lice.
In fact, most of the people she hung out with had lice.
She told me she was going to drive to a lice center nearby that only took cash and needed money asap.
We'd been to this lice rodeo before.
Too. Many. Times.
Why? Why of all the weekends it had to be the one she planned on coming home?!
I kept texting her for updates and she kept saying the line at the lice center was super long.
I worried it was going to be super late when she got home.
She surprised us by walking in before it was even dark with a report that she did not have lice.
I didn't even understand these words because I'd never heard them before.
The guy at the center took one look at her hair in a bun and asked if she wore it like that a lot.
She said she did and he said that just may have saved her from the menacing lice.
So, yay for messy buns!
McDaniel was here for one short weekend and scared us with the possibility of lice, ruined our bath mat with red nail polish and then left her wallet in a Target sack that I found on the bathroom floor hours after she left.
But it was so good to see her and hug her lice free neck.